A Blog for Working Moms
New Virtual Series: Ask The Expert
Restored is offering free virtual programming throughout the month of April – to encourage community and equip you with resources to be your best quarantined self.
How We're Coping with COVID-19
While we are by no means quarantine experts, and I’ve cried a number of times about the whole thing, we’re sharing what our family is doing to cope with COVID-19.
Recap: Prioritization for Busy Moms
It was another sold-out night at Restored when Kelly Shiley, CEO of Mary Square, led a discussion on prioritization for busy moms! In case you missed it, we’re sharing a few key takeaways.
Party with Us!
Restored is turning three, and we’re hosting our most FUN event of the year March 20 at the Greenhouse Picker Sisters Marketplace in Raleigh!
Prioritization for Busy Moms with Kelly Shiley
If there is one word that sums up how a busy working mother gets things done, it’s this: prioritization.
Working with Purpose
What if we looked at work differently? What if we saw work as something we were created to do rather than something we are required to do?
A Guide for "The Talk"
Today we’re sharing a video created by Hope Community Church that coaches parents through “The Talk” – from toddlers to high schoolers – with a series of God-centered how-tos.
Recap: Mental Health and Motherhood
Last week, 35 working moms gathered at a sold-out event to discuss motherhood and mental health. We’re recapping it here!
Mental Health and Motherhood
We’re stepping into a new year, and we’re kicking it off a little differently around here - by addressing mental health.
Are you too busy?
When we survey working moms who have involvement with Restored, much of the feedback related to daily challenges relates to time management and busyness.
December Giveaway!
It’s Cyber Monday, so your credit card is likely smoking from all of that online shopping. But we have a Christmas gift that won’t cost you a thing!
What is Restored?
People often ask what Restored is. And, to tell you the truth, I own the business, but I’m not that great at explaining it.
Natalie Holm Talks Stress and Time Management November 12
When we think about areas where working moms struggle the most, time management and stress always top the list.
We have a blog!
Big news – Restored has a blog! And, we couldn’t be more excited about it! So, we’re giving you the scoop on what you can expect from it.