Mental Health and Motherhood

We’re stepping into a new year, so it’s a matter of time before we’re all pummeled with messages about dieting, exercise and all things wellness. While physical health is absolutely important (we’ll be working off that extra Christmas weight right along with ya!), we’re kicking off the year a little differently.

We’re addressing mental health in January with Ashley Wright, MA, LPC.

Ashley has a lot to say about mental health and motherhood. That’s because she spends her days working with moms just like us who can often feel anxious, depressed, overwhelmed and perhaps even a bit forgotten. She’ll also address how we can usher our kids through tough seasons when their own mental health can seem challenging.

If you want to read some of her insights, check out her inspiring blog - and be sure to read our personal favorite article about finding true community.

Interested in joining us Jan. 15 at Thanks A Latte? Register here. We can’t wait to see you!


Recap: Mental Health and Motherhood


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