How We're Coping with COVID-19
We were in Disney early in the month - and now we’re very, very not!
A few weeks ago we were in Disney World, and now it feels like we’ve moved into the Twilight Zone. In fact, today marks exactly three weeks since we returned from Florida, and, with the exception of five school days, we’ve been self-quarantined since we returned as we didn’t want to potentially pass any ugly germs to those we love. I’m an extrovert and lean into relationships, so this is harder than I’d like to admit.
The truth is, COVID-19 is here, and it’s not going anywhere any time soon. With directive to home school, incentive to work from home and all nonessential businesses temporarily closed, we, like you, are home a LOT these days.
While we are by no means quarantine experts, and I’ve cried a number of times about the whole thing, I do think some things we’re doing are helping more than hurting. That’s why I want to share what our family is doing to cope with COVID-19.
The schedule we’re TRYING to keep each weekday, but giving ourselves grace if we don’t.
Schedule - I’m not a Type A planner, but I’m married to one (thank God). As soon as we realized we would be homeschooling indefinitely, my husband quickly developed a daily schedule for our family. After I gave him a huge eye roll, I complied. And, let me tell you, it has made a world of difference for our family! Kids like structure (even if I don’t), and they’re excited about the school day because they know what’s coming and we’ve laid out our expectations. We also make the weekdays different than the weekends. Scheduling helps me know when my work hours are vs. my teaching time and provides overall guidance for day-to-day activities. DO THIS if you haven’t already. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Here are some resources we’re using with our kids:
Bible Belles - These books are amazing for little girls. They use Disney-like illustrations how women of the Bible were like superheros with powers like prayer, patience and leadership.
ABC Mouse - Tired of Seesaw? This is a good option for online games that challenge brains while remaining fun.
Magic Tree House Books - Our two kids LOVE these chapter books. They incorporate adventure and imagination, which is just what we need right now.
The Jesus Storybook Bible - Written in simple child-like language, every single Bible story points to Jesus.
Born to Move Kids Dance Videos - These are free dance videos for kids, and it’s so cute to watch my kids do this together!
Sleep - My kids get grumpy when they don’t sleep well, and I’m not ashamed to say that I do too. We have absolutely no problem letting Disney+ babysit while we take a short nap…or a long one depending on the day! Getting enough sleep helps me be a better mom and wife by generating more patience and a longer fuse.
News - Read the highlights, then give your brain a rest. I’m convinced that the constant intake of news is harmful to my mental health because 99 percent of it is negative. At the same time, we need to remain informed. So, get what you need and get out. Here are some national and local digital news resources that have good highlight news:
Social Media - I’m using the same news concept here. Get on, get informed and get off. There’s a lot of positive mixed in with the negative, but there’s not a great way to filter through the negative to get to the positive. I try to remain in touch, without letting it rule my free-time.
Exercise - I’m falling short on this one lately, but I know that when I exercise, I feel better. Whether a walk or a boot camp, it’s a proven tool for better mental health. If you’re into boot camps, Camp Gladiator, Burn Boot Camp and Crossfit Contrivance are offering amazing online content right now.
Change of Scenery - Get out of your house!! Go on a walk. Visit a park trail. Go fishing. Have a picnic. Be creative! And sometimes, do those things by yourself if you can. Being with family can be both amazing and exhausting at the same time. I think my kids say, “mommy” about 50,000 times before 9 a.m. - anyone else? Wanting time just for me is OK. And if I can’t make it to a nail salon, then a walk in the pollen clouds will do! Restored will be hosting a virtual art class soon, so stay tuned for details on that!
Faith - In tough times, I have to remember one thing: I’m not in charge, but I know the one who is. We’ve been attending online church each Sunday morning, sticking with morning devotion time, and praying together as a family. We built Bible time into our schedule, so it’s a helpful reminder - and the kids will call us out if we don’t stick to it! Here are some reputable Triangle churches I’m aware of with online streaming services:
Community - God created us for community, but it can feel like that community has been stolen from us recently. And a part of it has - the easy part. It was easy to see people at work, easy to show up to dinner with friends and easy to sit in a pew on Sunday. We now have to be intentional. We have to make a phone call, set up a Zoom meeting, log into a church streaming service or check on our neighbors - and that takes extra effort. We have a choice. We can allow your community to fade into the distance, or we can be intentional about cultivating community in a time when we need it most. I choose the later and hope you will too.
I would love to hear what’s working for you during this season! Give us a shout on Facebook or Instagram to share!