A Blog for Working Moms
Marriage…More Than A Famous Movie Line
Marriage is more than a scripted line from The Princess Bride. It’s a relevant reflection of our relationship with a man who thought we were worth the effort - worth the agony of a cross.
Home Organization: Garages/Basements
It is easy to create miscellaneous piles in the garage or basement, especially when those spaces don’t get seen by others often. Read this for practical tips to manage large spaces that can often end up as dumping grounds.
Working Mom Spotlight: Alicia Hartman
Meet Alicia! She’s a wife, mom, Army veteran, licensed clinical mental health counselor associate and a Restored mom!
Home Organization: Kid Spaces
Kids are, hands down, the messiest family members – but they need space to be kids. We teamed up with Lisa Menees, professional organizer and founder of S.O.S. by Lisa, to help manage kid spaces.
WRAL: Pro Tips: Home and office organization for busy moms
We asked local professional organizers for their best kept secrets when it comes to keeping house – and office – in order.
Home Organization: Home Office
In this new home organization blog series, we teamed up with experts to share help you gain control over the spaces where you live, work and play. We’re kicking it off with home office organization.
Home Organization for Busy Moms: Meet Your Host...Lauren!
We’re interviewing professionals, posting tips and tricks and addressing common questions about home organization - all in an effort to help busy moms like us transform cluttered spaces into manageable ones.
WRAL: Home with a sick kid
Even when we have the best of intentions, make plans to achieve, and eliminate distractions, something slides into view that wasn’t on the charted course…and we get thrown off track.
Sneak Peak: How to Organize A Busy Life Table Talk
October is all about organization - at home, at the office, and in our lives. We’re welcoming Tara Furman, president and founder of Knowing God Ministries to lead our Table Talk series on how to organize a busy life in a Biblical way.
Working Mom Spotlight: Sara Meador
Meet Sara! She’s a wife, mom to an adorable three-year-old, a gifted technical writer and a Restored mom!
Restored Coworking Club: Here's why you need it
Restored is starting a new thing! If you’re tired of working alone at home, crave some interaction, need accountability or just want to hang out with a great group of working moms for a few hours, join us every Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
WRAL: You can't 'mom' it all; here's how to get help
A “good mom” should be able to do “all the things” and still enjoy Netflix at the end of the night, right? No. Very, very wrong.
WRAL: 5 Tips to stop comparing yourself to other moms
How can we identify comparison, address it and prevent it from creeping into our motherhood?
How We're Moving Forward
Moving forward, even past the pandemic, Restored will continue to offer virtual components to our programing where it benefits moms and creates inroads to fortifying community for working moms - not because we have to, but because we want to. For you.
Working Mom Spotlight: Kristin Frade
Meet Kristin! A wife, mom of 3, an executive coach and Restored mom.
WRAL: Trying to have it all? Remember, moms, it doesn't have to happen all at once
Hey, working mom, I see you trying to have it all. And I’ve come to this one conclusion: We can’t.
Working Mom Spotlight: Rebecca Lunn
Meet Rebecca! She’s a wife, audit manager, mom to sweet August and a Restored mom.
Restored Summer Soiree: Raleigh Working Moms Take The Night Off
You’ve been working hard, mama - at home and at work. That’s why Restored is hosting its third indoor/outdoor market…to give you the night off!
Working Mom Spotlight: Amanda Leggette
Meet Amanda! She’s a wife, mom of three boys, business owner and a Restored mom.
Ask The Expert: School Selection with Libby Taylor of SchoolUp Wake
Navigating the process of school selection can be overwhelming, so we spoke with SchoolUp Wake about resources to help take the pressure off working moms.