Home Organization: Home Office
Home Organization Series: Home Offices
Hey, mamas! If you’ve ever struggled with a messy home, unorganized office or the general chaos of raising a family, you are my people (and a really normal mom)! In this new blog series, we teamed up with several home and office organization experts to share information to help you gain some control over the spaces where you live, work and play. We want to help you find a cozy place between complete chaos and a somewhat organized life with quick tips and easy-to-digest ideas from those who know best.
We’re kicking off this series with a conversation on office organization, because our level of organization within that space directly impacts our productivity. Being organized is no gift or talent. It’s a skill…a series of strategies and ideas…mindful tips, and that’s what we hope to deliver to you. So, whether you work from home, drive to an office or just need a few tips to organize a workspace, this blog post is for you!
Meet Sarah!
Your ultimate decluttering hype woman! She is a professional organizer and founder of Hello Clutter.
Check out these tips on office organization from professional organizer Sarah Valeri, the creator of Hello Clutter:
Start with decluttering. This should ALWAYS be your first step before organizing any space.
There are three categories to go by here:
Keep: Items you need, will most definitely use
Toss: Trash, items in bad shape
Donate: Items you don't need, but are in good shape or could be used by someone else
Be a realist. Do you need two staplers? No. Will you actually read that book you got two years ago? No. Do you need 500 paper clips? No.
Purge the paper. Gather the papers in your workspace and categorize them. Allow yourself throw away old receipts, and trash any junk mail that made its way into your work zone. Important papers that need to be kept but have no current action item should be filed. Go file them now, or else they will continue to sit around (let's be real).
Clear the virtual clutter. Set a reminder on your calendar at least once a month to clear out photos, email and unused browser bookmarks!
Stay tuned for more organization tips on other important spaces!