Recipe: Homemade Spinach, Feta and Tomato Pizza

It’s no secret that I married well above my station. Chris is - hands down - a much better cook than me and makes the BEST homemade pizza. Our kids love it, so it’s a meal the entire family eats together. The kids are super fancy and will only eat pizza, but us grown ups like to customize our pizza a bit more. We typically toss in whatever ingredients we’re in the mood for that night!

Today on the blog, we’re sharing Chris’s recipe for a yummy spinach, feta and tomato pie, so grab a pizza stone, crank up the oven and tell Alexa to play something Italian. Here we go!


  • Dough ball

  • Flour + seasoning

  • 1/4 cup onion, diced

  • 1 clove garlic, minced

  • Spinach (to your liking)

  • Tomatoes

  • Cheese (personal preference)

  • Olive oil

  • Parchment paper

  • Pizza stone

  • 1-2 tablespoons honey

  • Cracked black pepper or other preferred seasoning


Preheat oven to 500 degrees. The pizza stone MUST preheat with the oven. Saute onions and garlic. Remove from heat. Cook down spinach in olive oil. Combine onions, garlic and spinach, then chop on cutting board. Roll out pizza dough on floured surface. Transfer dough to parchment paper. Spread olive oil on dough (only enough to cover dough), then top with spinach mixture. Add cheese and diced tomatoes. Bake pizza on parchment paper for 7 minutes at 500 degrees. Remove parchment paper and cook another 2 minutes on the pizza stone. Cool on baking rack. Drizzle honey and add cracked black pepper.

Cooking Tips

  • Buy the dough. Seriously. Don’t make this hard. We usually get the Trader Joe’s dough from the refrigerated section.

  • Serving wise, our family of four needs two dough balls in order to have a few slices leftover for lunch the next day.

  • Pizza dough should be close to room temperature before rolling it out.

  • Spread spinach mixture well. If the majority is in the center, the pizza will be soggy.

  • Season the flour before rolling out the pizza dough with salt, pepper and natural seasoning.


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