Working Mom Spotlight: Melissa Schneider


Name: Melissa Schneider

Occupation: Licensed clinical social worker

Number of kids: 2

Favorite candy bar: Peanut Butter M&M’s

Tell us about your family, and what’s your childcare solution?

I have been married to my college sweetheart, Joshua for 14 years, and we have two beautiful kiddos. Our talkative, sweet, Lego-building son is seven. Our spunky, determined and scooter-riding daughter is four. Both my husband and I work full-time, so we have had to become very flexible and pivot our schedules to adjust to the additional childcare and teacher roles we have taken on during this COVID season.

Where do you work, and what is a typical workday like for you? 

I am a licensed clinical social worker and coordinate community-based programs for veterans through the Department of Veterans Affairs.  My work is very dynamic, and each day presents its own focus, but overall day-to-day I can be found reviewing administrative and clinical processes, interpreting local and national policies and conducting assessments. It is an honor to serve our nation's heroes! 

Share some of your goals – personal or professional. 

I am not a big goal setter, but personally I am always looking for ways that I can make small changes to set my day or week up for success. Setting small goals each week to work out, take time to read my Bible and/or connect with a friend. 

What motivates you to work?

I am passionate about serving others. I am grateful that my career allows me to do that in some way or another everyday. My work is centered around veterans, developing and supporting programs that will provide for their medical and mental health needs. The sacrifices our veterans made to serve our country motivates me to come to work each day and serve them. 


How do you like to relax? 

I enjoy reading blogs, skimming through Pinterest about interior design or watching a Netflix series with my husband. In the summer, I enjoy having a campfire on the back patio.  

What is your favorite part of motherhood? 

I love so much about being a mama, and it's a blessing I never take for granted! I enjoy seeing the world through my childrens’ eyes. Every day they have new questions, which really makes you consider life in different ways.  

What does Restored mean to you? How has it impacted you personally? 

I found Restored during this past year in the midst of the pandemic and was able to join three of the Bible studies Restored offered. Having this community of working moms to study the Bible with during a pandemic has been such a gift! The books of the bible that were chosen for the studies have been so timely, and it was awesome to see what God revealed to all of us during this time.

What is one of your favorite Restored events to date? Why is it your favorite?

I am new to Restored, so I have not had the opportunity yet to attend any Restored events besides the Bible studies. I am so looking forward to joining this community with in-person events real soon! 


Can you share how you overcome challenges related to the “mom chaos” that settles in when you feel pulled in 100 directions?

I have been working on being more present and resisting the urge to muli-task all the time. When I feel like when I am pulled in 100 directions, I try to remember to be present in the moment and prioritize where my focus should be at that time. 

Besides your faith and family, what are you passionate about? 

My faith and my family are my number one passion in my life! Besides this, I am also passionate about my work and serving others. 


Working Mom Spotlight: Jocelin T. McElderry


Ask The Expert: Kendall Gilbert