Working Mom Spotlight: Erin Duddy

Name: Erin Duddy 

Occupation: Recruiter 

Number of kids: 1

Favorite candy bar: Snickers

Tell us about your family, and what’s your childcare solution?   I am a single mom and have been for a long time. My two favorite people are my joyful and energetic seven-year-old, Shannon and my amazing boyfriend of three plus years, Peter. My daughter attends daycare, and I rely on babysitting a lot. In order to get through life as a mother and a worker, I use Stellar Sitters along with recommendations from friends. 

Where do you work, and what is a typical workday like for you?  

I have been in HR for more than a decade. I absolutely love helping people and employers find the right fit. A typical workday includes a lot of computer work and communicating with others to match the right roles for the right people. 

Share some of your goals – personal or professional.  Personally, one thing I value is to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Professionally, I have been under contract with Cisco since last year, I’d love to go full-time because it’s a great company. 

What motivates you to work? One of my favorite aspects of my job is being a bridge to what is possible! I love seeing people connected in the right roles. 

How do you like to relax?  

·      Date nights with Peter

·      Walking in nature 

·      Reading the Sunday paper

·      Spending time with friends

What is your favorite part of motherhood?  Morning snuggles are the best. Shannon and I start the day off with some good snuggles! 

What does Restored mean to you? How has it impacted you personally?  Restored is an amazing group of women who understand the life of a working mom. Being a mom is tough work, so any tool I can add to my tool belt is helpful!

What is one of your favorite Restored events to date? Why is it your favorite?  Self-improvement is important in my work and in my personal life. Every time I attend a Table Talk event at Restored, I always learn something new and walk away with more equipped as a mother and worker. 

Can you share how you overcome challenges related to the “mom chaos” that settles in when you feel pulled in 100 directions?  I have been a single mom since my daughter was young. I have slightly less than full-time custody and don’t have family that live nearby. So, you can say that I have had my days. I try to stay focused by putting our lives in His hands and praying for discernment. I have an amazing tribe of women who keep me on the right path and make sure I am “running my own race.” 

Besides your faith and family, what are you passionate about? Living a healthy lifestyle.


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